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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who ......penicillin ..........(discover) by?
was/ discovered
Who ...........Harry Potter ...(act) by?
was/ acted
25 pts
Who ........The Mona Lisa .....(paint) by?
was/ painted
When did they invent paper money? => When...
When was paper money invented?
Did they take your passport? => Was...
Was your passport taken?
When we were in London, we ....(take) to see Abbey Road Studios.
were taken
Which music festivals do they hold in your country? => which ..
Which music festivals are held in your country?
How do they make paper? => How is paper made?
How is paper made?
5 pts
They don't lock these doors until 10. => These doors ....
These doors aren't locked until 10.
10 pts
They grow a lot of orange trees in Spain. => A lot of orange trees .........
A lot of orang trees are grown in Spain.
Music ....(not, teach) at our school. ( present simple passive)
isn't taught
Our cats ....( not, leave) outside at night. (present simple passive)
aren't left
You....( invite) to my sister's birthday party. (present simple passive)
are invited
The best chocolate ....(make) in Belgium. (Present simple passive)
is made