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What is the correct order of the life cycle of massive stars?
Nebula --> protostar --> main sequence --> red supergiant --> supernova --> blackhole/ neutron star
A ________ is an object so dense with so much gravity that even light cannot escape.
black hole
A gigantic explosion that causes the death of a large star is called
What is the final stage of a white dwarf?
Black dwarf.
All stars____?
Produce light.
The brightness of a star depends on?
Temperature, size, distance from earth
What does a low mass star become when it runs out of fuel?
white dwarf
When a medium mass star begins to run out of fuel, what does it become?
Red giant
A_________________ is so massive that light can't even escape. What am I?
black hole
Hydrogen is the most common chemical element in most stars? T or F
What is the main factor that determines what a star will become?
Mass and amount of H available
What type of stars' color is the hottest?
If our Sun died out, what would it become at the end?
White dwarf
What fuel do main sequence stars use?
The stable and longest lasting period of a star’s life cycle is called:
Main Sequence
Why won't our sun ever become a black hole?
It is too small.
When a nebula condenses, takes on a shape, and emits light is called:
Main sequence stars are made primarily of which elements?
H and He
Our sun is currently in what star stage?
Main sequence
A black hole is black because:
even light cannot escape its gravity.
One possible outcome that is left after a supernova is a super dense core called a:
neutron star.
When a red giant's outer atmosphere drifts away releasing elements to space is now known as:
planetary nebula
After a supernova, the core can collapse into a neutron star, or if massive enough it can become a:
black hole
When the core of a Red Supergiant collapses, a bright event occurs, known as:
A star that has ignited and has used up all of the hydrogen is called:
Red Giant
A star is born when:
a nebula turns into a protostar.
The main energy acting on a nebula at the beginning is:
Stars are formed from big clouds of gas and dust is known as: