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Chapter 2 - Creation

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_____ is the source of all life
The Book of Genesis contains two stories of creation, but BOTH acknowledge GOD as what?
What truths are contained in the creation stories? Give one
1. Everything is created by God 2. Everything God created is “GOOD”. 3. Everything God created depends on God
Biblical writers used _____ to tell realistic story and at the same time give the deeper meaning of the story.
The value and worth that comes from being made in God's image and likeness is called?
Human Dignity
When we say God is ever-present it means that God is everywhere at all times? True or False
When we say God is all powerful it means God can Not do anything? True or False
When we say God is all knowing, it means that God knows everything..past, present and future? True or False
If we say God is changeless and timeless it means God is _____
God is the source of all _____
What is the first book of the Bible?
In the creation story, what day God created humans?
6th day
Genesis means _____________
An agreement between God and his people
Only ______ can think and love.
The ability to know the difference between good and evil,right and wrong
It is the freedom and ability to choose.
Free will