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Reasons why Warsaw is awesome

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What is the name of the Warsaw football team?
The Warsaw Legia.
There are typical Polish dumplings filled with cheese, meat, vegetables, etc... What is their Polish name?
In the Holy Cross Church of Warsaw, you can see a body part from Chopin. Which one?
The heart.
Some years ago, we had a Polish pope, Karol Wojtyla, best known as...
Juan Pablo II
Polish people are heavy beer drinkers. They drink, more or less, ... liters per person.
Who is the most famous Polish football player?
Robert Lewandoswki
Despite of its communist past, Poland is one of the most religious countries in Europe. True or false?
Poland is the 9th country in Europe in terms of size. True or false?
According to the text, what was the consequence of the Warsaw Uprising against the Germans?
More than 80% of the city center was flattened after the Uprising.
According to the text, how does the city of Warsaw pay tribute to Chopin?
All over the city you can find benches that will play his music when you walk by or sit down.
The Warsaw Uprising was the biggest civil rebellion against nazism during World War II. True or false?
Frédérik Chopin was born in Warsaw and he was famous because he played...
The piano.
The Old Town in Warsaw is the oldest part of the city and was built before World War II. True or false?
How many Nobel prizes are from Polish origin?
In milk bars you can get full for a low price. True or false?
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Can you name a very famous Polish astronomer?
Nicolaus Copernicus
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The Palace of the Culture is an emblematic communist building inspired in an Spanish building...
La Giralda in Sevilla
Since when is Warsaw the capital city of Poland?
What is the name of the most famous concentration camp in Poland?
What are the colors present in the Polish flag?
Red and white
Which is the second city in Poland in terms of population?
Krakow (Cracovia)