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Sports Quiz

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This sport is played by losers running after a ball to make a goal and make money.
In this game, you hit the person and he screams out: AHHHHHHH but you can´t hit the people with your hands or feet. 
This sport is played by using a ball; there are 5 players in each team; the ball is thrown. 
This sport is played by using 2 rackets and a table, ther is 1 player in each team. 
Table tennis
This game is played by 11 players in each team. 
In this sport, you use a surfboard. 
In this sport, the players play in a court and is played by 2 or 4 people. 
This sport is played by a group of people or individually. There are jumps and choreographies. 
It´s played in a field. Brazil has 5 trophies. Only one person can hold the ball with the hands.
This sport is played by 6 players on each team. 
This game is very popular in the United States, although, it can hurt the players if someone loses their mind. 
American Football.