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5th Grade

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you prefer apples to bananas, which one do you want to eat?
Does our school have a lobby?
If you have to do something precise, do you need to be accurate or not?
What has perplexed you?
If you are astounded are you surprised or board?
If you are inquisitive, do you want to know or not want to know something?
You want to know.
What makes you suspicious?
If you are perplexed how do you feel?
Puzzled, unsure
What is the format of a drama?
A play
What does it mean to exaggerate something?
Make it seem bigger than it is.
Use the word wring in a sentence correctly.
I had to wring out my wet swimsuit.
Name a tall tale?
Mighty Kate, Davy Crockett, Paul Bunyon
What is formation?
They way something is formed or its alignment
Name one type of rock?
Sedimentary, Igneous, Metamorphic
Are particles large pieces or small pieces?
Small pieces
What does it mean to erode?
To wear away
Where is Argentina?
South America
If it is bleak outside, what is it like outside?
Gloomy, depressing
If you blurted out an answer, did you say it or write it?
Say it outloud
What is a rival?
Someone you compete against
If you are multilingual, how many languages can you speak?
More than 2
Can poetry tell a story?
Yes, a narrative poem will tell a story.
What is a scheme?
A plan, usually cleaver
What motivates you?
What is a glimpse?
A quick look, peek
In poetry, what is a group of lines called?
A stanza
Does poetry need to rhyme?
Is a folktale fiction or nonfiction?
What does the word emerging mean?
An upcoming issue, to come out of such as when a butterfly emerges from a chrysalis.
Who gives you guidance?
Teachers, parents, friends, counselors
What is a pursuit?
Something that you are trying to do, accomplish
What is the difference between lend and borrow?
When you lend something, you give it out. When you borrow something, you use it but it belongs to someone else.
What is gratitude?
Being thankful for something.
What is a brocade?
A fabric that is embordered, usually very fancy.
In the folktale, Blancaflor, how did the prince know which bird was Blancaflor?
It was the bird with the broken wing because he remembered that Blancaflor had broken her finder when she fell.
What is the problem in the folktale, Blancaflor?
The prince promises to do three tasks to save his father's life.
Do we know who is the author of Folktales?
No, they were told orally and passed down over time.
Is a biography fiction or nonfiction
If you want to prevent something from happening, do you want to stop it or encourage it?
Stop it from happening
What does it mean to transform?
To change
What are behaviors?
How someone or something acts
Name an animal that migrates?
What is a theory?
An idea that needs to be investigated to be proven
What does it mean to observe something?
To study it, to watch.
Who is E. Lucy Braun?
She was a scientist who studies plants, a botanist.
What is a botanist?
Someone who studies plants
What does the word destiny mean?
It is in your future, bound to happen.
What is something that discourages you?
Why was the Declaration of Independence written?
To break away from English rule? List complaints of the colonist.
What is a quest?
A quest is a task you have to do, usually difficult.
If your parents reveal your gift, do you know what it is?
Name something that you do eagerly?
Go on vacation, play games with friends, go to recess
How do you feel if you are unsure?
Not confident
What country helped the United States win the American Revolution?
What is a militia?
A group of citizens who organize to fight.
Why did the colonist want to break away from England?
They were unhappy that they were taxed without representation.
Name someone who helped write the Declaration of Indepence.
Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Ben Franklin, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston
What are protests?
Events where people show they disagree with each other.
What does it mean when an item is imported?
It comes from another country.
Tell me a time you would wear a disguise?
Tell me a time you made a compromise.
Where can you find cargo?
What does debate mean?
To argue or discuss
What is a convention?
A formal meeting for a specific purpose.
What is a committee?
A group of people chosen to do certain work.
Name a scary situation?
What does it mean to resolve something?
To solve it
Who are representatives?
People chosen to speak or act for someone else.
How is a union formed?
By joining two or more together