Edit Game
(Cam.Flyers) Lesson 17 - Warm up game

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ex III: Choose the right words for the definition.8. This creature walks very slowly and has a large shell on its back.
a tortoise
Ex III: Choose the right words for the definition.7. This large, white, furry animal lives in cold countries.
a polar bear
Ex III: Choose the right words for the definition.6. These have wings with lots of different colours on them. They fly and sit on plants and flowers.
Ex III: Choose the right words for the definition.5. This animal lives in the sea and has eight long arms.
an octopus
Ex III: Choose the right words for the definition.4. These big birds are usually white. They have long necks and live near rivers and lakes.
Ex III: Choose the right words for the definition.3. This animal has a long neck and can carry heavy bags for a long time in hot, dry places.
a camel
Ex III: Choose the right words for the definition.2 This is an insect that works hard to make honey.
a bee
Ex II: Choose the right words for the definition.5. Some students learn to play different instruments and tunes in this class.
Ex II: Choose the right words for the definition.4. You practise talking and listening to your partner and learn new words in these lessons.
Ex II: Choose the right words for the definition.3.When you study this, you might learn about rocks or caves
Ex II: Choose the right words for the definition.2. You have to count and perhaps add numbers together in this subject.
Ex II: Choose the right words for the definition. 1. Teachers might tell you famous facts about the past in this lesson.
Ex I: Write the missing word
Ex I: Write the missing word
Ex I: Write the missing word
Ex I: Write the missing word
Ex I: Write the missing word
Ex I: Write the missing word
Ex I: Write the missing word