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Fiction or Non fiction

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What book is better to read fiction or non-fiction?
Teacher to decide based on answer.
True or False: Non-fiction books have a glossary.
True or False: The Gingerbread Man is a non-fiction book.
True or False: A history book is a fiction book.
True or False: Non-fiction books give you information.
True or False: Fiction books give you information.
Fiction or non-fiction?
Fiction or non-fiction?
Can you give 1 example of fiction book?
Teacher check
Can you give 1 example of a non-fiction book?
Teacher check
How can you tell if a book is non-fiction?
Photographs, contents page, real information, index, gives information...
How can you tell if a book is fiction?
Not real, tells a story, has characters and settings...
Can you think of 1 example of a fiction book?
Teacher check
Can you think of 1 example of non-fiction book?
Teacher check
What does it mean if a book is 'non-fiction'?
It contains true facts and information.
What does it mean when a book is called a 'fiction book'?
It is a story that is made up.
Fiction or non-fiction
Fiction or non-fiction
Is this book fiction or non-fiction
Is this book fiction or non- fiction?