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History of Czech Republic

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What is "MERCHANT" in czech?
How did the students protest on the squares during the Velvet Revolution?
They were ringing with their keys.
When did the Czech republic became the EU member?
Who is the most famous personality of the Velvet Revolution in 1989?
Václav Havel
When was the Occupation of Czechoslovakia by the Russians? (Pelíšky)
21. 8. 1968
When did the Communist take power for the first time?
When was the first Czechoslovakian Republic established with Masaryk as a president?
1918 (28.10.1918)
Who established compulsory education?
Marie Teresie
What is germanization? When was it?
Loss of Czech culture. Habsburg dynasty (1526-1918)
When and where was John Huss burned?
1415 in Kostnice
Name 2 buildings that Charles the IV built.
Charles University and Charles Bridge
Who was Charles the IV?
Czech king and Roman emperor
How did the Přemyslids die?
By sword
Who did Libuše marry?
Přemysl Oráč
What is the name of a lady that foretold the history of Prague?
What did Cyril and Metoděj bring? Name at least one "thing".
Christianity and Slavonic language
What is the name of first empire?
Samo's empire
What is the name of this hill? (praotec Čech)
When did the Slavs arrive to Czech Republic?
Turn of 5th century
How do we call the age of mammoths and hunters?
Stone Age