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Snazzy Syntax

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name two adjectives that describe you.
True or False: Fiona has a little brother.
Lily can speak...
Cole has dozens of ____ in his backyard!
Jackson likes this type of animal. What is it?
Colin likes this series. What is it?
Harry Potter!
Mathi is really good at this. What is it?
Drawing and learning about animals!
Ms. Anna owns a pet on the pet faculty page. What kind of animal is it?
A dog!
You can connect two independent sentences with....
A conjunction and a comma.
In a simple sentence, you only have a ____ and a _____.
Noun and verb.
We have two different modifiers. What are they?
Adjectives and adverbs.
Name two conjunctions!
For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So
FANBOYS stands for...
For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So
"Carry went down to the store, and Jerry went up to the bakery." This sentence is...
A compound sentence.
What is the organizing of words and clauses to make a sentence called?
Identify the subject-noun, direct object, and verb! "The teacher congratulated her students."
Add three adjectives to this sentence! "The sky is full of clouds."
? ? ?
Identify the adjectives! "The black house towered over me, and I shuddered to think of the sticky cobwebs, leaky ceilings, and thin, creaking walls inside."
Black, sticky, leaking, thin, creaking.
Identify the verbs! "The cup tipped, spilling water across the floor."
Tipped and spilling.
"I ran the race quickly, hoping to get in first." 'Quickly' is...
An adverb.
"My mom is the best mom ever." 'Best' is...
An adjective.
"August is a hot month." 'Is' is...
A linking verb.
"Tomorrow is my birthday!" 'My' is...
A pronoun.
"Richy loves to listen to this song." 'Song' is...
A noun.
Fix this fragment! "The witch and piglet."
"Petunia climbed up the walls of her cage with lightning speed." 'Climbed up the walls of her cage..." is...
The predicate of the sentence.
"Matthew and I." This is not a full sentence. It is...
A fragment.
"Margaret is going to go swimming, and she is taking me with her." This sentence is...
A compound sentence.
"I love ice cream." 'Love' is...
A verb.
"Rosie jumped over the fence faster than a rabbit." The nouns in this sentence are...
Rosie, fence, and rabbit.
"Freddy and Susie are good friends." 'Freddy and Susie' is...
A compound subject.
"I went downstairs for the party." 'I' is...
The subject-noun.