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Enjoy Teenagers A2 - B1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He _____ (should / 'll / could / can) see the film if he went with an adult.
They realised they ______ ('ve forgot / 'd forgot / 'd forgotten / were forgot) to take her adress so they had to go back and get it.
'd forgotten = had forgotten
She told me she _____ (don't / won't to / 'll / 'd) buy me a new laptop.
'd = would
A lot of people think that when they ______(will retire / retire / retired / won't retire), they'll have lots of time, but often they don't.
My brother _______ (just has / already has / yet / 's just) passed his exams.
's just = has just
He _____ (sent / was / was send / was sent) to work in his company's office in Shanghai.
was sent
She worked as a teacher in _____ (a / the / an / -) Africa.
I ______ (use to / didn't use to / used / didn't used to) wear a uniform to school.
didn't use to
She _____ (will being / may to be / won't to be / might be) here this weekend.
might be
He's studied Spanish _____ (since / the / at / -) last year.
You ______ (mustn't / don't have to / must / can) be late for school again.
____ laptop is that? Is it Bob's?
I ____ (make) a cake, if I _____ (have) time.
will make, have
Correct the sentence: You don't have to run across the road. It's dangerous!
You mustn't run across the road. It's dangerous!
______ you ever come to school ____ bike?
Have, by
I enjoy ____ (watch) swimming competitions because I _____ (swim) too.
watching, swim