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Science Unit 1 Lesson 1 : Motion

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give one example of units that could be used for speed.
ex.) meters per second / kilometers per hour . . .
Two objects move at the same speed and go the same distance, but their motion is different. What part of their motion could be different?
Their direction / Their way (pattern) of motion
Ball A rolls ten meters in 12 seconds. Ball B rolls ten meters in 6 seconds. Which ball is faster?
Ball B
Ball A rolls 5 meters in three seconds. Ball B rolls 10 meters in three seconds. Which ball moves faster?
Ball B
__ is a measure of how fast or slow an object moves.
How do you calculate an object's speed?
Distance divided by time
Name three units of time.
ex.) seconds, minutes, hours, days, years . . .
We know an object moved if an object has changed __.
Left, right, up, down, forward, and backward describe an object's __.
__ tells which way an object or place is from another, or the way something is moving.
Four centimeters, seven miles, and eight millimeters could all describe an object's __.
distance / length
Name one tool that you can use to measure distances.
ruler / meterstick
Name three units for distance.
ex.) centimeters, inches, kilometers . . .
__ is how far two things are.
Words such as over, under, to the left of, on top of, and next to can talk about an object's __.
position / location
Name three words that describe position.
ex.) on, under, in, next to . . .
An object's __ is where it is.
position / location