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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Demonstrate the expressive skill of voice - Say the following word 'Spaghetti' as if you are a Hero
Teacher Decision
Demonstrate the expressive skill of voice - Say the following word 'Spaghetti' as if you are a Cartoon character.
Teacher Decision
Demonstrate the expressive skill of voice - Say the following word 'Spaghetti' as if you are a Wicked Witch
Teacher Decision
Demonstrate the expressive skill of voice - Say the following word 'Spaghetti' as if you are a Villain.
Teacher Decision
Demonstrate the expressive skill of voice - Say the following word 'Spaghetti' in a sarcastic tone.
Teacher Decision
Demonstrate the expressive skill of voice - Say the following word 'Spaghetti' in a excited tone.
Teacher Decision
Demonstrate the expressive skill of voice - Say the following word 'Spaghetti' in a furious tone.
Teacher Decision
Demonstrate the expressive skill of voice - Say the following word 'Spaghetti' in a surprised tone.
Teacher Decision.
Demonstrate the expressive skill of voice - Say the following word 'Spaghetti' in an upset tone.
Teacher decision of whether points and given.
If Costume and Sound Design are production areas...Can you name one more?
Lighting, Props, Set Design, Make-Up Puppetry
Actor-Audience Relationship - If I wanted to make my audience feel sad what could I do as a performer?
Cry, stare at them longingly, play emotional music...etc
Actor-Audience Relationship - If I wanted to make my audience feel intimidated and scared what could I do as a performer?
Yell at them. Stand close to them. Point at them. etc..
Why is it important for actors to use ENERGY on stage?
Energy engages audiences. Energy can shape emotion in a story. Low energy = saddness. High energy = happiness.
Explain what the performance skill of 'TIMING' is about.
Timing is about how fast/slow the performance is going. Timing can build tension. Timing can be comedic.
Provide 2 reasons why FOCUS is important for actors.
1. Stay in character. 2. Manipulate what audience looks at. 3. Remember lines/cues. 4. Create imaginary props/characters.
Define the term, 'facial expression'.
The way you use your face to show emotion, mood, and responses.
Name 2 words to describe the expressive skill of, 'movement'.
posture, stance, speed, energy, gait
Explain what a gesture is.
Gesture is a type of movement in the body that expresses an idea, feeling or mood. It is a way of communicating without speaking.
Name 2 words to describe the expressive skill of 'voice'.
Pitch, Tone, Pause, Dynamics, Volume, Accents
How many performance skills are there?
How many expressive skills are there?