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Comparative and Superlative Questions

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who / young / this class ?
Who is youngest in tis class?
Who / old / this class ?
Who is oldest in this class?
Which / powerful / bear / wolf ?
Which is more powerful, a bear or a wolf?
Which / tall / Lotte Building / Empire State Building ?
Which is taller, the Lotte Building or the Empire State Building?
Which / dangerous / rock-climbing / skiing ?
Which is more dangerous, rock-climbing or skiing?
What / bad / time/ your day ?
What is the worst time of your day?
Who / famous / person / Vietnam ?
Who is the most famous person in Vietnam?
What / beautiful / place / Vietnam ?
What is the most beautiful place in Vietnam?
Who / intelligent / Dino / a fish ?
Who is more intelligent, Dino or a fish?
Which / far / Australia / UK ?
Which is farther. Australia or the UK?
Which / big / Russia / the USA
Which is bigger, Russia or the USA?
Who / young / your mother / your father ?
Who is younger, your mother or father?
How / good / actor / your opinion?
Who is the best actor in your opinion.
What / big / animal / the world
What is the biggest animal in the world.