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Flyers Midterm Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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At the end of "The Three Gifts", what did Kofi learn?
There are many ways to help others.
At the end of "The Stone Soup", what did everyone learn?
If they all share, they won't be hungry.
Who was the first person to add something to the stone soup?
The little girl with the potatoes.
What idea did John have?
To make stone soup
Why did John try to trade his pot?
He was hungry.
What happened in Ada's village?
A mudslide
What were the 3 ways Kofi and Jelani helped?
They fed the horses, gave their clothes away, and taught villagers how to build houses.
Why did Kofi and Jelani visit the siblings?
They wrote letters and invited them to come.
What did Jelani tell Ada she had to do before she helped people?
Finish school
What did Ada want to do?
Help others