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Present Simple and Continuous - Spot the mistake

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Paula seems a bit sad at the moment.
How often do you go to the cinema?
Andrew doesn't listen to music right now.
Wrong! - Andrew isn't listening to music right now.
Why the baby is crying?
Wrong! - Why is the baby crying?
It rarely rain in desert climates.
Wrong! - It rarely rains in desert climates.
Many people download music online.
I play basketball for the team because I'm too short.
Wrong! - I don't play basketball for the team because I'm too short.
We are planing a birthday party for Susie.
Wrong! - We are planning a birthday party for Susie.
I am taking the dog for a walk every day.
Wrong! - I take the dog for a walk every day.
What time do she gets up?
Wrong! - What time does she get up?
They is watching television at the moment.
Wrong! - They are watching television at the moment.
Listen! John is playing the violin.
Peter always go to school by car.
Wrong! - Peter always goes to school by car.
I usually listening to music while I study.
Wrong! - I usually listen to music while I study.
Sorry, I don’t know the answer to the question.
I’m loving this film! The soundtrack is excellent.
Wrong! - I love this film! The soundtrack is excellent.
We aren’t at home at the moment.
Spiders have eight legs.
In the film, the Avengers are fighting Thanos to save the universe.
Wrong! - In the film, the Avengers fight Thanos to save the universe.
Does you like horror films?
Wrong! - Do you like horror films?
We are watch a new TV show.
Wrong! - We are watching a new TV show.
Sarah and Jane usually study together.
On Mondays I goes shopping with my parents.
Wrong! - On Mondays I go shopping with my parents.