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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What should you do if you feel ill?
Tell your teacher immediately.
Try to make yourself vomit
Write a formal letter to the nurse
Better not to say anything. Your reward is in Heaven.
When you come to class you wait for the teacher outside the classroom. True or False?
Check the answer with your teacher
Which of these things can you touch?
The class computer and the board
The class computer
The board
Your classmate's things
Can you bring a USB to class with your work?
Which of these things can you do?
All 3
Write the answers on the board
Write the answers on your personal mini-whiteboard
Pass the answers to your partner on a piece of paper
How many people can go to the toilet at the same time?
What should you do if you are not happy about something or someone's behaviour in the class?
Talk to your teacher or your child protection focal point.
What is this? protecciondelainfancia@britishcouncil.es
It's the child protection department. You can contact them if you need to talk to them about anything.
Which of these is the most important? Participate actively in English in class. Listen to your classmates respectfully. Ask questions when you don't understand.
None, they are all important!
Why is it important to bring all your materials to class?
Because it shows you really want to improve your English
Which of these should you do? Walk calmly around the school. Tidy up after each lesson. Be respectful to everyone.
All of them!
What are the rules in your teaching centre for using mobile phones?
Check the answer with your teacher
Which of these things can you do in class? Eat, drink, chew gum
Drink water
What do you need to bring to every class?
Your magazine or coursebook, notebook or folder and pencil case.
What time does your class start and finish?
Check your answer with your teacher.