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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I didn't do a lot. That is why, I had time to rest at 14.30 p.m every day
I didn't do MUCH. That is why, I had time to rest at 2.30 p.m every day
I visited the Sahara desert and I almost died because of the hot
I visited the Sahara desert and I almost died because of the HEAT
Hi Ken! It's me, Tom!
Hi Ken!
This two weeks were amazing
THESE two weeks HAVE BEEN amazing
Before go home, I like to visit a museum because it's gegant
Before GOING home, I WOULD like to visit a museum because it's HUGE
We can meet in the coffe next wednesday
We can meet in A CAFÉ next Wednesday
I think that I didn't see you for two years
I think that I HAVEN'T SEEN you for two years
The hotel was so comfortable and all the people was very kind
The hotel was so comfortable and EVERYONE was very kind / ALL PEOPLE WERE
When writing an email, can you say an ENDING PHRASE?
I stayed in a 5 stars hotel
I stayed in a 5-STAR-HOTEL
There're a lot of shops in New York
There ARE a lot of shops in New York
It was the best trip that i do in my life
It was the best trip that I HAVE GONE/DONE in my life
We visited a lots of places: the Big Ben, St Paul's Cathedral, the London Eye...
We visited A LOT / LOTS of places: the Big Ben, St Paul's Cathedral, the London Eye, ETC.
I did a lot of tourism in New York.
I WENT SIGHTSEEING all over the place
We could meet for eat something.
We could meet TO eat something.
I'm in home now.
I'm AT home now.
Other day we did friends and we passed our holidays with their.
ANOTHER day we MADE friends and we SPENT our holidays with THEM.
In the village there was a lot of people
In the village THERE WERE a lot of people
When I arrived to the airport, the fly company had lost my bags
When I arrived AT the airport, the FLIGHT company had los my bags
During this two weeks in Paris, I did a lot of thinks
During THESE two weeks in Paris, I did a lot of THINGS
Thank you so much for looked for my home!
Thank you so much for LOOKING AFTER my home