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Restaurant Jobs & Etiquette

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What should Dylan do with his cup and napkin?
Turn over the cup and put napkin on his lap
Name a location in town where you can get a restaurant job.
Renatos, Daily Treat, Bareburger, Park West Tavern, etc.
What restaurant job is Palaash performing?
chef/ preparing food
Is Elena practicing good dining etiquette? Which rule is she following?
Yes, drink nicely.
You should be polite and use _________________ while dining at a restaurant.
Where should you place your napkin?
on your lap
Is Palaash drinking nicely?
What job is Dylan doing?
chef/ preparing food
Utensils are for ____________________ only.
This person will come take your order.
What kind of voice should you use in a restaurant? (whisper, talking, shouting)
talking volume
This person is ___________________ the table.
What job is Mark doing?
dish washer
You should always chew with your mouth __________________.
What rule is this person following?
wipe your mouth with a napkin
What job is this person doing?
rolling silverware/utensils