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Outdated Vocabulary

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or False. Henceforth is a fancier way of saying “from this point on”.
True or False. Vinipote means wine drinker.
True or False. Jangle means to make sound.
True or False. Freck means to move slowly.
False. Freck means to move quickly.
True or False. Kench means to laugh loudly.
True or False. Hum durgeon means an imaginary illness.
True or False. Lanspresado means a person who arrives somewhere, having conveniently forgotten their wallet and explain why they don’t have money with them.
True or False. Jargogle means to run away.
False. Jargogle means to confuse.
True or False. Cockalorum is a person who is married to two or more people at the same time.
False. Cockalorum is a small man with a big opinion of himself.
True or False. Trumpery means to shake shake something backwards.
False. Trumpery means that things look good but are basically worthless.
True or False. Snottor is synonym for car.
False. Snottor is synonym for wise.
True or False. Snollygoster means lying awake worrying about life.
False. Snollygoster means a person who has intelligence but no principles.
True or False. Brabble describes hair that is tangled.
False. Brabble means to argue loudly about matters of importance.
True or False. Quockerwodger means a wooden puppet that was controlled by strings. She can’t think for herself, she’s such a quockerwodger!
True or False. Monsterful means something extraordinary and wonderful.
True or False. Gorgonize means to have a mesmerizing effect on someone, as in, “I was gorgonized by his charisma as he spoke to me.”
True or False. Groak means to watch someone silently as they eat, in the hope that you will be invited to join them.
True or False. Crapulous means to feel ill from excessive eating or drinking.