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Positions in the office

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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" I´m writing a computer program to help the Telemarketing Reps organise their work". Who says that?
A Computer Programmer
" I work with this microscope every day". Who says that?
A Laboratory Technician
"We´ve got some very special prices this month". Who says that?
The Sales Representative
"We haven't got enough pens". Who says that?
The Junior Administrative Assistant
" I want to sell our factory in China". Who says that?
The Managing Director
" Our customers aren't paying us on time". Who says that?
The Chief Accountant
" I´m sorry but Mr Davis is on the phone at the moment". Who says that?
The receptionist
"My department is developing a special product". Who says that?
The Head of Research and Development
Who deals with customers´ problems and complaints?
The Customer Service Clerk
Who sells things on the phone?
The Telemarketing Representative
Who organises meetings?
The Senior Administrative Assistant
Who looks after the company´s computers?
The Head of IT
Who looks after the workers?
Human Resources Director
Who plans where and when to sell products?
Marketing Director
Who looks after the company´s money?
The Financial Director