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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My homework ___ (do).
is done
I _____ (make) a cake, if I ____ (have) time.
will make, have
Correct the sentence: You don't have to run across the road. It's dangerous!
You mustn't run across the road. It's dangerous!
Correct the sentence: I am not wanting nothing to eat at the moment.
I don't want anything to eat at the moment.
_____ are large white animals and they live in the cold Arctic.
Polar bears
_____ you ever come to school __ bike?
Have, by
What are you doing next week? What about next summer? (USE THE CORRECT TENSES)
How do you usually spend your free time? (USE PRESENT TENSE)
What did you do yesterday? (USE PAST TENSE)
Name 5 school subjects!
Find the mistake: I visited Bimbo Zoo, but I didn't liked it.
...but I didn't like it.
This place has lots of trees. What is it?
A forest
I enjoy watching swimming competitions because (I'm swimming / I swim) too.
I swim
While my parents were watching TV, I _________ (play) video games.
was playing