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Blood, Smoke and Freedom

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How did General George Washington get soldiers out of Brooklyn?
Washing's aide snuck back to New York City with a message that the Americans needed boats. Boats came and quietly took the soldiers across New York City River.
What made American colonist angry at England's king, George III?
American colonists were angry that he ruled over the colonies but had never been there. They didn't want to follow his rules.
Did the war's final battle take place in Virginia or in New York?
Did soldiers sneak out of Brooklyn or New York City to escape the British?
They snuck out of Brooklyn.
Who mainly joined the army in 1776; soldiers or workers like farmers and butchers?
Mainly regular workers joined the army.
Did European settlers have less or more freedom in the American colonies?
They had more freedom
How long did the American Revolution War last?
8 years
Did the Americans win the Battle of Brooklyn?
Did Washington give up hope during the Battle of Brooklyn?
Did soldiers drown during the Battle of Brooklyn?
Was life harder for Native Americans after European settlers arrived?
Was America considered the New World?