Edit Game
Grade 3 Review Game 1

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It occurs when a person does not receive the proper amount of nutrients from his or her diet. (nutrition, malnutrition, healthy nutrition)
________ means having a stable physical, mental, emotional, and social state. (being rich, being healthy, being weak)
Being healthy
It is a good lower body exercise. Squats develop the thighs, hips, and lower back.
It is one of the best exercises to develop upper body strength. It also work out the chest and arms.
It is a slow run which is usually done as a warm-up exercise. What fitness exercise is this?
What should be observed in different positions like sitting, standing, walking, climbing and going down the stairs, and picking up objects?
Good Posture
It indicates action, life, energy and pleasure. (straight line or curved line?
curved line
It suggests steadiness, balance, and calmness. (straight or curve)
Straight line
It is formed when two points are connected. (shape, line, colors)
It is the underlying pulse in music. (music, beat, tempo)
Sleep my Baby s an example of what kind of rhythm? (slow, moderate, or fast)
Ring Around a Rosy is an example of what kind of rhythm? (slow, moderate, or fast)
Bahay Kubo is an example of what kind of rhythm? (slow, moderate or fast)
Musical rhythm can be expressed in three ways. Give one.
(either from slow, moderate, fast)
Musical rhythm can be expressed in three ways. Give one.
(either from slow, moderate, fast)
Musical rhythm can be expressed in three ways. Give one.
(either from slow, moderate, fast)
It is a regular beat in music .
"ARF-ARF" comes from what sources of sounds? Is it from nature, animals, vehicles or objects?
It can make your eardrums rest. SOUND or SILENCE
It can can develop your imagination. SOUND or SILENCE
It is the opposite of sound
It is anything that can be heard through the ears. It is produced by a vibrating object.