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Blue-Unit 1

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Something short-term, only last for a _____ period of time.
When you decline an offer you are ______ it.
The play is based on an ancient Greek _______.
I wanted to renew my subscription, but my mom said we had to _____it.
What do you and you siblings get into scuffles about?
tv, phones, chargers, front seat, etc.
Another word for ongoing or constant is...
Name two examples of documents.
license, constitution, birth certificate, acceptance letters, job offers
The chef coated the pan with butter. WHat does coated mean?
What are three solitary activities?
reading, coloring, sleeping, etc.
What is one blunder you have made?
anything as long as it is a mistake
Name 3 mythical creatures.
Mermaids, unicorns, dragons, minotaur
What do you call someone who has been a soldier in the past?
Name 3 things that schools issue or distribute to students
chromebooks, report cards, library cards, etc.
Can some blunders get you in big trouble?
Yes, mistakes like stealing, fighting, etc.
Would you want to make a blunder at school? Why or why not?
No, mistakes can be embarassing
Name 3 people who are veterans in their career.
Mr.A, Beyonce, Michael Jordan,
Would you prefer a permanent or temporary tattoo? Why or why not?
1 stays forever, 1 only last a short period of time
Name 3 things that are very hardy( strong and sturdy).
Wood, metal, cars, etc.
Mr. A rejected my project because I didn't follow the directions. Did he take it or refuse it?
refused it
This summer we had continuous temperatures above 80 degrees. Does continuous mean they lasted for a long time or a short time?
long time
Is a solitary activity done with other people or by yourself?
by yourself
The veteran player had only been on the team for 20 years. What does veteran mean?
someone with a lot of experience
Is a glass figurine hardy or fragile? Why?
When a police officer issues a ticket, are they collecting it or distributing it?
Is slipping on a ice a blunder or a scuffle?
Can hair dye can be temporary? Why or why not?
yes, because it washes out