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Teen life

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ä° am skilled at.......
......da yeteneÄŸim var
Arnold:...........? Bruce: I like going to cinema (What do you do in your free time?-What would you like to eat?-What is your favorite music band?)
What do you do in your free time?
Veronica is a succesful basketball player because she is ........ (Rude-Friendly-Arrogant)
Friendly, because friendly peoples can do team sports
I love ......... because i can do it on summer (Swimming-Skiing-Snowboarding)
Sarah:........ music do you like listening to? Ahmet:I prefer rock (How often?-What kind of?-Where?)
What kind of?
I love dancing because it's ........... (Boring-Terrific-Absurd)
Covidcan:............ Veli: I usually do sports (Where do you do sports?-How often do you sports?-Do you love football?)
How often do you do sports?
I can't stand on sports because it's ..... (Boring-Amazing-Terrific)
My brother want to do ..... so we should buy arrow (Archery-Camp-Vacation)
What do you need at the camp?
Tent, pocketknife and funny friends!
What do you need for archery?
You can say arrow,bow
Be fond of
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