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Grammar Unit 1 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where are they going?
They are going to the supermarket
Create a question: what time / you / go / school ?
What time do you go to school?
What is my grandma doing?
She is cleaning the hosue
Correct the following sentence: There is a lots of water in the pond
There is a lot of water in the pond
There is ____ accident on the road
There is an accident on the road
___ Maldives are a collection of more than a thousand islands
The Maldives are a collection of more than a thousand islands
Correct the following sentence: No, my father don't repair cars
No, my father doesn't repair cars
Create a question: my father/ repair / cars
Does my father repair cars?
Create a question: WHAT / J.BALVIN / EAT / RIGHT NOW ?
What is J. Balvin eating right now?
Correct the following sentence: THERE ARE MUCH SEAGULLS IN THE BEACH
There are many seagulls in the beach
Correct the following sentence: THERE ARE MONEY IN MY BANK ACCOUNT
There is money in my bank account
What is Olivia Rodrigo doing at the moment?
She's eating a doughnut
Is there any sugar in the jar?
No, there isn't any sugar in the jar
What are they doing at this moment?
They are singing
Where are you from Monday till Friday at 11:00?
I am in school
Correct the following sentence: THERE IS A MILK IN THE FRIDGE
There is milk in the fridge / There is some milk in the fridge
Is there any swimming pool in your town?
Yes, there are many swimming pools in my town
How many eggs are there in a dozen?
There are 12 eggs in a dozen
What does Jill's mom do on Mondays at 14:00?
She makes lunch on Mondays at 14:00
What is Rafa Nadal doing?
Rafa Nadal is playing tennis