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Reading Quarter 1 Exam Review 2021 to 2022

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Good fluency means that I read not TOO fast and not TOO slow.
Good fluency means that I sound like a ROBOT when I read.
Good fluency means that I read the words CORRECTLY.
Good fluency means that I follow most or all of the PUNCTUATION marks as I read the text.
It was a windy day, so...
Your teacher will decide if your answer is correct.
My dog was barking all night, so....
Your teacher will decide if your answer is correct.
What is the EFFECT? HINT: The EFFECT is what happens as a result of the cause.
so he called a tow truck.
What is the EFFECT? HINT: The EFFECT is what happens as a result of the cause.
Lou was very quiet
What is the CAUSE? HINT: What happened first?
It was my birthday,
What is the CAUSE? HINT: What happened first?
because we needed food.
The effect is __________ happened.
The cause is __________ something happens.
Create an appropriate caption for this photograph.
Your teacher will decide if your answer is correct.
Create an appropriate caption for this photograph.
Your teacher will decide if your answer is correct.
Create an appropriate caption for this photograph.
Your teacher will decide if your answer is correct.
Create an appropriate caption for this photograph.
Your teacher will decide if your answer is correct.
Which word is in bold print?
What is "graze"?
to feed on plants or grass
On what page(s) can I find the word "adult"?
What page is information about penguin eggs found?
Select all of the nonfiction text features / characteristics of nonfiction: HINT: There are four of them.
The teacher will decide if your answer is correct.
located at the back of the book, it tells the page number that certain words can be found on
print that is darker than the surrounding words to show importance
bold print
a few words that tell what a paragraph, section or chapter will be about
located at the back of the book, it is a list of important words from the book with their meanings
stories that have MADE-UP characters and events
REAL books that tell, inform, teach, and explain
Who scared the cows away?
Wallace Bleff
What charged into the barbecue cookout?
Where did Aunt Fern invite Wallace and the cowboys?
a barbecue cookout
Who captured Wallace?
polite ways to behave: manners OR relax
flat, open areas of land: manners OR plains
took something or someone (past tense): plains OR captured
to have fun and not think about difficult things: captured OR relax
Select ALL the sequencing words. HINT: There are five in total.
Your teacher will decide if your answer is correct.