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Subject Pronouns

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tony and Lyra live in a big house.
THEY live in a big house.
David has got a new computer.
HE has got a new computer.
My mother and I live in a big house.
WE live in a big house.
I love tigers and lions! _________ are beautiful animals!
I love tigers and lions! THEY are beautiful animals!
I love Science! __________ is my favourite subject!
I love Science! IT is my favourite subject!
My mobile phone is beautiful!
IT is beautiful!
Lyra is from The United Kingdom.
SHE is from the United Kingdom.
You and I are good students.
WE are good students.
Hugo is a short boy.
HE is a short boy.
The bird has got a long tail.
IT has got a long tail.
Jessica and Calvin have got backpacks.
THEY have got backpacks.
Amanda and I study English every week.
WE study English every week.
Jessica and Lyra are friends.
THEY are friends.
Calvin loves to wear sunglasses.
HE loves to wear sunglasses.
Hugo is from Brazil.
HE is from Brazil.
Lyra is a good girl.
SHE is a good girl.