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G1L3 - SWOT analysis

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These 2 category in the SWOT analysis are considered to be external and are found in the environment surrounding the business.
Opportunities and Threats
Lack of training and discipline is considered as a ________________ in SWOT analysis.
The skills of your employees are considered _____________ in the SWOT analysis.
Identify the environmental factor being described. Batangeños are good known for their knife smiths and is home to the finest balisongs in the country.
Identify the environmental factor being described. Computer shops are mostly found in the cities because it is easier to buy computer parts there.
Economic (available raw materials)
What does the acronym SWOT stands for?
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
These are characteristics of a business or project that give an advantage over others.
It is a managerial tool used to assess the environment to assist the entrepreneur in strategic planning.
SWOT analysis