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Living Things

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A state of matter which is often colourless is _____
The unit of measuring temperature is _________
degrees centrigrade
_______ occurs when a liquid is cooled and it changes into a solid.
The temperature at which a substance melts is its __________
melting point
The water has a boiling point of ______
100 degrees centigrade.
Which state of matter is the particles
Gaseous State
When there is no container gases spread out - True or False
Which state of matter is the particles are in this state?
Penguin and Walrus are found in which environment?
I need very strong and sharp claws to hunt and carry the preys. Who am I??
Find the odd one out
Bear is omnivorous. Panda, Horse and Giraffe is Herbivorous
Which group you would include a butterfly, spider and worm
I live under stone, rocks and leaves. Who am I??
Scientist need to have ________ to identify animal
Identification key
Is it a man-made or natural disaster
natural disaster
The habitat is the ___________________ that the animals and birds live in.
local environment