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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 5 words that start with the letter " P"
* Your answer
Name 5 words that start with the letter " R"
* Your answer
Name 4 seasons in year
Spring, Fall, Summer, Winter
Can you sing a song ????
* Your answer
Name 7 days of week
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday .
Name 11 colour that you know
Yellow, Orange , Red, Pink, Purple, Blue, Green, White, Black, Brown and Gray.
Find the mistake in this sentence : "She occasionallly check her brother's homework."
Check !!! this word must be "Checks"
Why are you learning English ?
* Your answer
Name 5 words that start with the letter " S"
* Your answer
The Articles always come before the Adjectives, is it True or False
từ " Khách Hàng " trong tiếng anh là gì ?
How many Articles do we have, can you name it ??!!!
there are 3 Articles, A, An and The
từ " Bệnh Nhân" trong tiếng anh là gì ???
Name 11 adverb of frequency that you know
* Your answer
Name 5 adjectives that you know
* Your answer
Can you tell us 2 stories that you know ???
* Your answer
Name 5 verbs that you know
* Your answer