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Terry Fox Marathon of Hope

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How many countries around the world have the Terry Fox run?
How many siblings (brothers and sisters) does Terry have?
3 = 2 brothers and 1 sister
Bonus Question: How many kilometres did Terry run altogether?
5 373 km
How many days did Terry run in a row?
143 days / almost 5 months / almost half a year
How many Canadian roads have been named after Terry?
How many schools in Canada have been named after Terry Fox?
As of 2021, how many millions of dollars has Terry Fox's campaign raised for cancer?
$850 000 000 / $850 million
How many days did Terry train before his run?
101 day / about 3.5 months / 3 1/2 months
How many kilometres did Terry run each day?
approximately 42 km/day ....so 1 marathon every day!!!!
How many shoes did Terry have to buy to complete his Marathon of Hope? 
9 = 8 for his left foot and only 1 for his right foot
What year did Marathon of Hope begin?
How old was Terry Fox when he was diagnosed with cancer?