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HSPT Vocab

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Would you want a congenial teacher? Why or why not?
Yes because they are friendly, kind, good natured
What color is alabaster?
Name a career that requires clandestine behavior
spies, soldiers, bank robber
Name 3 things that could lead to a person's demise.
smoking, cancer, car accident,
If your answer was erroneous, did you get it correct or wrong?
Name 3 things we need to abate, or reduce here in Chicago.
rats, crime, racism,
Name 3 things that plausibly could happen tomorrow.
Pizza for dinner, rain, school
Bullies often denigrate others to hide their own feelings of worthlessness.
to assault someone's character or reputation
Name 3 people who might have ostentatious wardrobes.
movie stars, queens, princesses
She was ostracized from the scientific community for many years because of her radical political beliefs. What does ostracized mean?
left out, excluded
Name 3 things you ponder before going to bed.
3 things that you think about.
thenion sent him with some troops to plunder the treasures of the temple. What does plunder mean?
There are parties to attend, fights to be had, a summer which promises debauchery and bacchanalian excess. What does debauchery mean?
extreme indulgence in bodily pleasures
If you are ejected from your soccer game, what has happened to you
You have been kicked out or removed from the game
Is a voracious reader one who reads a lot or who reads a little?
a lot
The firefighters were undaunted by the dangerous conditions they faced. What does undaunted mean?
courageously resolute especially in the face of danger or difficulty : not discouraged
I am scared for my son because he is introverted, vulnerable and diffident by nature. He will find it hard to fend for himself in the future. What does diffident mean?
hesitant in acting or speaking through lack of self-confidence
Some psychic charlatan convinced her she was going to die in six months, but it never happened. What is a charlatan?
a flamboyant deceiver; one who attracts customers with tricks or jokes.
His callous comments about the murder made me shiver.
showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others.
Long gone are the days of swashbuckling pirates clanking swords. What does swashbuckling mean?
swaggering or daring soldier or adventurer.
T or F: Stories describe Santa as a very jovial man.
Will plants grow in arid conditions?
Would you want your teachers to curtail the amount of HW they give? why or why not?
YES! curtail means reduce
True or False: A Peddler is someone who pedals a bike.
False-they sell things.
Would you want to be friends with a person filled with avarice?
No, because they are greedy
Would you want to be friends with a gregarious person?
Yes, because they are social and friendly
Name 3 people or careers that are altruistic (self-less, care about the good of others)?
Mother Teresa, Ghandi, nurses, mothers,