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GE5 B2 - meio - L16 - Quantifiers

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If I drink too_____ coffee, I can't go to sleep.
We have ----- ketchup and ----- sausages left.
a little - a few
Look! There are ___ mice on the roof.
a few
Could I have ____ milk in my coffee, please?
a little
The teacher gives us ___ time to prepare before a test.
a little
There are only ___ bananas left in the box.
a few
He knows _____ English. He knows enough English to manage.
a little
He's having _____ of trouble passing his driving test.
a lot
They say ____ knowledge is a dangerous thing.
-----people know as much about linguistics as John does.
There are too ----- students in the library.
How ----- time do you need to finish the work?
They have had ____ homework in mathematics recently.
lots of - a lot of
Though I have --- ability to play tennis, I spend most of my spare time trying to improve myself.
As the expiration dates have passed ____ our visas are valid.
none of
____student deserved to get the honor degree as they both cheated in the exam.
____ the children need is loving arms to hold them.
You are so lucky that --- of your parents are teachers.
No doubt your father knows a --- about the ecology. He's an expert.
great deal - lot
Setting up such a large company requires--- money.
a lot of - a great deal of