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Virginia Geography

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What saying helps you remember the order of the important rivers of VA?
Please Remember Your Jacket
What saying helps you remember the order of the important rivers of VA?
Please Remember Your Jacket
What saying helps you remember the states that border VA?
Ketchup With Mustard Tastes Nasty
Which region is orange?
Valley and Ridge Region
Which region is blue?
Which region is yellow?
Blue Ridge Mountains
Which region is gray?
Coastal Plain (or TIdewater)
Which region is green?
Appalachian Plateau
Who was the first person to explore and survey the Dismal Swamp?
George Washington
What is the name of the large body of water found in the middle of the Dismal Swamp?
Lake Drummond
What type of wildlife can be found in the Dismal Swamp?
Snakes, insects
Which two important cities are located along the James River?
Richmond and Jamestown
Which important city is located along the York River?
Which important city is located along the Rappahannock River?
Which important city is located along the Potomac River?
The rivers of VA all flow into what major body of water?
Chesapeake Bay
What are the 4 major rivers in VA?
Potomac, Rappahannock, York and James
The Chesapeake Bay provided what to the early people of VA?
Safe harbor, food, transportation
Why was the Atlantic Ocean important to the early people of VA?
It provided transportation to Europe and other countries.
What are the major industries in the Blue Ridge Mountain Region?
Tourism and farming
What are the major products of the Blue Ridge Mountains Region?
What are the major industries of the Piedmont?
Government, farming, horses
What are the major products in the Piedmont Region?
tobacco and technology
What industries can be found in Coastal Plain?
Tourism. shipbuilding, military
Name two important products of the Coastal Plain Region
peanuts and seafood
Which region is located at the foot of the mountains?
Piedmont Region
Which region is made up of valleys separated by hills?
Valley and Ridge Region
Which region is known for having old, rounded mountains?
Blue Ridge Mountain Region
What do you call a raised area of land that is flat on top?
Which region is the furthest to the west in VA?
Appalachian Plateau
What is another name for the Coastal Plain Region?
Between which 2 VA regions do you find the fall line?
Coastal Plain and Piedmont
What is the natural boundary called where waterfalls form?
Fall line
How many states border VA? What are their names?
Kentucky, West Virginia, Maryland, Tennessee, North Carolina
What 2 large bodies of water border VA?
Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean