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Garden Vegetables

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What conditions should you store onions & garlic in?
Cool, dark, dry, well-ventilated area
True or False: a green jalapeno pepper is spicier than a red pepper. 
Should tomatoes be stored at room temperature or in the fridge?
Room temp (unless cut, then they should be refrigerated)
What types of tomatoes are harvested by machine? (What are they being used for?)
Processing- canned, chopped, sauces, ketchup etc.
What type of knife do you use to cut tomatoes?
What type of tomato is this?
What plant is this?
Do different colors of peppers come from different species of plants?
No- color comes from ripeness
Which crop can be grown as both a cool-season and warm-season crop?
Onions and garlic
What does it mean to transplant?
Start in a greenhouse or indoors, move outdoors or to a bigger container when the seedling gets taller
Why might you scrape out the seeds of a jalapeno?
To remove some spice
A cool season crop is what?
Planted in the fall, goes dormant over the winter, resumes growing in spring & summer
Warm season crops means...
Needs warm-hot weather to grow. In IL, planted in late spring and harvested in summer/fall
What are these?
Clove of garlic
What is the difference between fruits and vegetables?
Fruits have seeds, develops from flowers. Vegetables can be roots, stems, or leaves. "Vegetable" is considered savory in cooking while fruits are sweet
What is this plant?