Edit Game
Unit 0

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Charades time
Tell the dates: January 8, 1788; September 1, 2001; October 20, 1990.
The 8th of January, seventeen eighty-eight, etc.
Tell the time
It is 14 minutes to 2. It is 25 minutes past 7. It is 5 minutes past 6. It is a quarter past 12.
Saturday and Sunday are ________ .
Name all days of the week.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Tell what you have got in your bag (5).
I have got a phone, a book, a notebook, keys, wallet, etc.
Name 10 gadgets.
laptop, phone, flash drive, digital camera, CD player, MP3 player, tablet, e-book reader, games console, mobile phone, smartphone
Describe your room (10).
There is a window above the bed. The bed is next to the window. There is a battery under the window.
Describe the room (10)
There is a window above the bed. The bed is next to the window. There is a box under the bed, etc.
Name 5 things your teammates can't do.
Polina can't sing, Masha can't play the guitar, Lesha can't drive a car, Lera can't swim, Danik can't dance
Name 5 things your teammates can do.
Danik can drive a car and a bike, Masha can play the piano, Lesha can run, Polina can sew
Find a mistake: We group is Focus 1.
Our group is Focus 1.
Tell about your family members (3).
My mother's name is Natasha, she's 50 years old. My father is Vitaly, he's 49 years old. I've got a sister, Nastya and she's 29 years old.
Name 10 family members.
mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, uncle, aunt, cousin, grandmother
1 woman – 2 ________ (man, child, watch, skateboard)
women, men, children, watches, skateboards
This or ?
those, these, that, this
Name 10 colours.
grey, orange, black, pink, purple, yellow, brown, white, blue, red
Name 10 nationalities.
American, British, Belarusian, Polish, Turkish, German, Spanish, Scottish, Chinese, Japanese
Name 10 countries.
The USA, The UK, Belarus, Poland, Turkey, Germany, Spain, Scotland, China, Japan
What is his nationality?
He is British.
What is the name of the country?
The USA / The US / The United States (of America)
Write using letters on the board: 98, 178, 5209, 20
ninety-eight; one hundred seventy-eight, five thousand two hundred and nine, twenty
Name 5 teacher commands
think, speak, read, write, listen