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7 Life processes and animal world

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is a kitten living or non-living.
It is living.
Is butterfly a living-thing or a non-living thing?
It is a living thing.
Is your bottle of water a living thing or non-living thing?
It is a non-living thing.
Is your notebook a living thing or non-living thing?
It is a non-living thing.
Are ANTS living things or non-living things?
They are living things
Removing waste from your body
Make waste
To get bigger and bigger
Taking air for energy
Is a teddy bear living or non-living thing?
It is a non-living thing.
Running, walking... changing place or position
Is a SUNFLOWER living or non - living?
It is a living thing
See, hear, smell, touch, taste
Use senses
Eating and drinking food for energy
Making seeds or babies