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Ancient Mesopotamia

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Name the two basic principles that we follow today that was taken from the Code of Hammurabi?
1. We should have one set of laws for all people under a government 2. All people should be held accountable for their actions.
Why is the epic of Gilgamesh so important?
it is the oldest written long poem
How did Mesopotamians use cuneiform and clay tablets?
to record laws and important information
How would you describe Hammurabi's laws?
How were the ziggurats built?
With slave labor
Describe the Mesopotamians religion.
Polytheist- believe in many gods
Who conquered the Sumerians and describe the government?
Akkadians created the world's first empire ruled by one king, Sargon
What two things were Mesopotamians hoping to receive in return for giving offerings and worshipping the gods?
peace and plentiful crops
What were the two main uses for a ziggurat?
Used for religious worship to the gods and stored important government documents
Describe Sumerian government
Several city-states, each ruled by its own king as a monarchy
Name the following events in order: A. not everyone was needed for farming B. Trading centers grew into cities C. Some people specialized in a trade D. Agricultural practices improved
How did the Sumerians use slave labor?
cultivate fields and crops
Why did the Sumerians domesticate animals? (2 reasons)
1. Resources like wool, milk, and meat 2. Used to transport goods
How did the wheel and sail advance the Sumerians?
Allowed them to transport goods more quickly
How was metallurgy used to improve agriculture?
developed stronger farming tools
Who developed the first people group in Meso?
What did the surrounding deserts and mountains do for Mesopotamia?
protected them from invasion
How did the Tigris and Euphrates river benefit the people? (3 reasons)
Deposited fertile silt during flooding, transport goods and resources, provided water for crops
What geographical characteristics made it possible for the Sumerians to grow crops? (name 2)
fertile soil and access to water
When the Sumerians were experiencing inconsistent rainfall, what was their solution for their crops?
Dig a system of canals
What does Mesopotamia mean?
Land between rivers
What is the nickname for Mesopotamia?
Fertile Crescent
Name the geographical feature to the east that protects Mesopotamia from invasion
Zagros Mountains
Name the body of water that the rivers empty into
Persian Gulf
Name the river closest to the Zagros mountains
Tigris River
Name the river to the west
Euphrates River
Name the body of water to the west
Mediterranean Sea
Name to body of water to the northwest
Black Sea