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Unit 1 Communication

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why do you like travelling so much? Can you tell me
Can you tell me why you like travelling so much?
Is Richard always late? Can you tell me _______
Can you tell me if Richadr is always late
Where is the nearest supermarket? Can you tell me ____
Can you tell me where the nearest supermarket is?
Sue and her husband phoned the police. Who _____-?
Who phoned the police?
I ___________________ (not / do) the housework yet.
haven't done
They ___________________ (study) very hard recently.
hve been sudying
She ___________________ (promise) to help many times.
has promised
Lucy ___________________ (already / leave).
has already left
I ___________________ (be) in London for three years.
have been
I ___________________ (paint) my house all day, but it’s not finished yet.
have been pinting
Julie ___________________ (be) at the office since 6 am.
has been
Something terrible happened last night. ⇒ _____________ last night?
what happened last night?
I travelled to India with my boyfriend. ⇒ Who _________?
Who did you travel to India with?
My manager informed John about the meeting. ⇒ ___________ about the meeting?
Who informed John about the meeting?
She believes in ghosts. ⇒ What ____________?
What does she believe in?
Somebody___________(eat) my cookies. There are none left.
Somebody has eaten my cookies
I think I_______(like) chocolate since I was born.
I have liked chocolate since I was born
She must be tired. She________ (write) all afternoon.
She had been writing
Who did you confuse me ______?