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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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what does he like doing?
he likes playing the guitar
What does she like doing?
she likes playing volleyball
what does she like doing?
she likes sleeping
What do we see on the beach/coast?
sand, water, trees (palm trees), fish, whale, more houses
what do we see in small towns?
more houses, less cars and people, trees
What do we see in big cities?
more buildings, car, people
What instruments can a person play? tell me 2
piano, guitar, drums, flute, harmonica....
What is your favorite school subject?
Do you have a big or a small family?
What do you like doing?
what does he like doing?
he likes skateboarding / playing with the skate
what does she like doing?
she likes walking the dog/playing with the dog
what does she like doing?
she likes listening to music
what does she like doing?
she likes studying
what do they like doing?
they like playing video games
What do they like doing?
they like watching tv
what does she like doing?
she likes reading a book
What do they like doing?
they like talking with friends/hanging out
what does she like doing?
she likes eating pizza
what do they like doing?
they like playing soccer