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How did Jesus feed 5000 people?
He blessed (prayed for) the fish and loaves.
How many good friends (disciples) did Jesus have?
He had 12 good friends/disciples.
What is the most amazing thing that Jesus ever did?
He died and came back.
Who greeted the women when they went to Jesus's grave?
An angel greeted the women.
Tell one thing that happened at the moment Jesus died.
1) The sky turned black. 2) There was an earthquake. 3) The curtain in the temple was ripped in two.
How did the soldiers put Jesus on the cross?
The nailed him to the cross.
What did Jesus have to carry?
He carried his cross.
Which of Jesus's friends betrayed him?
Judas betrayed him.
What animal did Jesus ride into Jerusalem?
He rode a donkey.
What did Jesus ask Peter to do after he rose from the grave?
He asked Peter to "feed my sheep".
What did Jesus do to Peter after he died on the cross?
He forgave Peter.
How many times did Peter say that he did not know Jesus?
Peter said he did not know Jesus three times.
What did Peter do when he saw Jesus walking on the water?
He also walked on the water.
What was Peter's job?
He was a fisherman.
Who was Jesus' "best friend"?
Peter was Jesus's best friend.
What was Joseph's job?
He was a carpenter.
How many lepers said "Thank you"?
Only 1 leper said thank you.
How many lepers were there?
There were 10 lepers.
Who were Lazarus's sisters?
Mary and Martha
Where was Lazarus when Jesus came to see him?
He was in the tomb/grave?
What did Jesus do for Jarius's daughter?
He made her live.
How did the friends get the paralyzed man in to see Jesus.
They put a hole in the roof.
What did Jesus put on the blind man's eyes?
He put mud on the blind man's eyes.
What did Jesus do at the wedding?
He turned water into wine.
Who is Jesus' mother?