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Review U3-U4

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I can see ... (him/her/them/it)
I can see ... (him/her/them/it)
I can see ... (him/her/them/it)
I can see ... (him/her/the/it)
Where is a green chair?
behind the table
Where is the dragon?
on the floor/between blocks and the ball
Where is the clock?
On the wall/next to the window
Where is the backpack?
Under the chair
What does ''immoveable'' mean?
it can't be moved
What does ''unhealthy'' mean?
bad for your health
A person who like things to be nice and neat.
A person who helps other people.
This shape has 2 long sides and 2 short sides.
a rectangle
This shape is round with no corners.
a circle
What did Rattlesnake want to do to Mouse?
Where was Rattlesnake at the beginning of the story?
the boys Where walk? did
Where did the boys walk?
did What write Ibrahim in the sand?
What did Ibrahim write in the sand?
What is the past form of the verb ''carve'' ?
What is the past form of the verb ''see''?
What is the past form of the verb ''shout'' ?
Who is the _________ person you know? (funny)
Which is the _______ desert in the world? (dry)
What does a cactus have?
Spines, thick waxy skin and roots.
This animal lives in Sahara desert. Sleeps underground during day. It eats leaves, roots and insects. Hops like a kangaroo.
Why does a camel have long eyelashes?
They keep sand out of the camel's eyes.
Why does a camel have a long neck?
It helps the camel reach leaves on tall trees.
The temperature is 41 C. What time is it?
3:00 pm
What was the temperature at midnight?
thirty-two degrees
It's forty degrees. It's ... .
It's hot.
It's minus 10 degrees. It's ... .
It's cold.
What animals live in the desert?
Camel, jerboa, fennec fox, rattlesnake, lizard ....