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Historical Thinking

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is an unreliable source?
Information that cannot be trusted to be accurate
Out of primary and secondary sources, which is typically better to use when learning about the past?
Name at least 3 things that could be secondary sources
website, textbook, newspaper articles, essays, etc.
Name at 3 things that could be primary sources
autobiographies, diaries, letters, video, photographs, etc.
Is a website about World War II a primary or secondary source?
Is an interview with an eyewitness a primary or secondary source?
Why is it important to look at multiple perspectives in history?
All sources have some sort of bias, so you need multiple to get a complete picture
How many years are inbetween 750 CE and 650 CE
100 years
How many years are inbetween 900 BCE and 500 BCE
400 years
How many years are inbetween 1500 BCE and 500 CE?
1999 years
What are 2 reasons we use BCE/CE and not BC/AD?
Not religion specific and it is more accurate
Is there a year zero on a timeline?
Why was the Julian Calendar replaced by the Gregorian Calendar?
The Gregorian is more accurate
How do you tell how much time has passed between a BCE date and a CE date?
Add them together and subtract 1
How do you tell how much time has passed between two BCE dates or two CE dates?
Subtract the smaller number from the larger number
What is an archaeologist?
scientist who studies human history through artifacts
What is government?
The system of rules and the people who make them for a culture/country
The system of how a culture uses/makes money and resources
What does BCE/CE mean?
Before Common Era / Common Era
True or False: The Gregorian calendar is the most commonly used calendar in the world
Do we use the Julian calendar or the Gregorian?
This calendar is based on both the sun and the moon
This type of calendar is based on the Earth's rotation around the sun
solar calendar
What is a Lunar Calendar?
A calendar based on the phases of the moon
A group of seven large land masses
Flat representation of the earth's surface
Imaginary horizontal lines locating north to south
Latitude Lines
Imaginary vertical lines showing east to west
Longitude lines
What continent is this?
What continent is this?
What continent is this?
What continent is this?
South America
What continent is this?
What continent is this?
North America
What continent is this?
Something that gives proof to a fact
A visual representation of the past on a line
An object made by a human in the past
Point of view
What is a reliable source?
A source that can be trusted
an opinion for or against something
the traditions and beliefs of a group of people
A time before humans had developed writing/ written records
second hand account of an event or time period AFTER it happened
secondary source
A first hand account/evidence of a time period or event
Primary Source