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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ovatko he auttamassa Rosemarya?
Are they helping Rosemary?
Ovatko Basil ja Herb joogaamassa?
Are Basil and Herb doing yoga?
Miksi Chip itkee?
Why is Chip crying?
Ovatko Basil ja Chip lentämässä?
Are Basil and Chip flying?
Mitä sinä olet tekemässä?
What are you doing?
He eivät ole matkustamassa.
They aren't / are not travelling.
Miksi et ole pakkaamassa?
Why aren't you / are you not packing?
Chip ei ole auttamassa Hazeliä.
Chip isn't /is not helping Hazel.
Ovatko Coco ja Chip   soittamassa huilua?
Are Coco and Chip playing (the) flute?
Mitä Hazel on laulamassa?
What is Hazel singing?
Hän ei ole lukemassa kirjaa.
He/She is not reading a book.
Sinä et ole tulossa kouluun.
You are not coming to school.
Miksi olet menossa kotiin?
Why are you going home?
Onko Peter kuuntelemassa musiikkia?
Is Peter listening to music?
Te olette syömässä.
You are eating.
Me emme ole uimassa.
We aren't / are not swimming.
Hän on kuuntelemassa musiikkia.
He/She is listening to music.
Sinä olet juoksemassa.
You are running.
Onko Herb tekemässä päivällistä?
Is Herb making dinner?