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Jazz Harper chapter 5
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What was Jazz doing when her mum's rock got broken?
She was pretending to fight aliens
What does Elijah's dad do?
He is building new homes
Who is unkind to Jazz and Elijah?
What does Jazz learn to make?
A beige t-shirt
What do the students use to learn maths
"old fashioned tablets"
What colour was the martian rock?
Fiery orange with a white line.
Where did Jazz's Gran canoe?
The amazon
How long ago did humans start to live on Mars?
17 years ago
Why did jazz's mum make them leave the laboratory?
Because the rock got smashed.
What does Elijah want to be when he grows up?
A space volcanologist (study volcanoes)
What is the story Elijah writes about?
Time travelling wizards who save the world from a black hole
What did Elijah want to learn about?
The biggest volcano in the solar system