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What is your favourite snack? How often do you eat it?
My favourite snack is banana and peanut butter. I have it almost every day!
Where do you live? How long have you lived there for?
I live in Hung Yen, close to Hanoi. I have lived here since March 2021.
What is your job? What do you like about it?
I am a teacher. I like teaching because I love sharing knowledge and helping others to learn.
What is your favourite song or band? What genre of music is it?
My favourite band is The Beatles. The genre is British pop rock.
What physical activity do you like doing? Why do you like it?
I love rock climbing because it makes me stronger.
How often do you go food shopping? How do you travel there?
I usually go food shopping twice a week, and I travel by foot.
What was the last film you watched? What genre was it?
The last film I watched was The Secret Garden. It is a British drama film.
Which country are you from? Where is it?
I am from England, in the UK. England is in north-west Europe.
What do you like doing in your free time? Why do you enjoy doing it?
In my free time I like listening to audiobooks. I enjoy audiobooks because I can listen to them at the same time as doing other activities.
Do you have any siblings? How much older or younger than you are they?
Yes, I have one sister, her name is Jessica. She is two years younger than me.
What is your native language? Can you speak any other languages?
My native language is English. I can also speak Spanish and a little bit of French.
How many people do you live with? Who are they?
I live with one other person. His name is Alex, he is my partner.
In which month and year did you join The Rainbow Class? 
I joined The Rainbow Class in June, 2019.
Do you have any pets? Would you like to have any (more) pets?
I don't have any pets at the moment. In the past I have had many pets, such as cats, rabbits and hamsters. In the future I'd really like to have a dog.
Can you describe your hairstyle? What colour hair do you have?
My hair is dark blonde. It is shoulder-length and wavy.
Can you say something in another language? What does it mean?
'Kartofel' means 'potato' in German.Â