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JS7 U56 Day 9 Reading

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In the end, how long did Persephone have to stay in the underworld?
6 months
Why did Pluto give Persephone pomegranate seeds to eat?
Because it was the only way to make her stay in the underworld
When Demeter knew her daughter was in danger, what did she do first?
Met Zeus to ask for help
Why did Persephone drop her flowers into the river?
Because she wanted to leave a sign to Demeter that someone had taken her away
What was Pluto’s responsibility?
To rule the underworld
Which god took Demeter’s daughter away?
What time of the year does Winter return to Glooskap’s country?
Every autumn
What did Glooskap think when he woke up?
He should save his people.
What happened while Winter was talking?
Glooskap fell asleep.
Winter was a __________ with icy breath.
Summer used her power to wake everything up. (T - F - NG)
Glooskap knew that Summer could make Winter go away. (T - F - NG)
Glooskap decided to go north to find a queen. (T - F - NG)
Plants could grow during Winter in the Wawaniki's land. (T - F - NG)
Wawaniki people live in the best part of North America. (T - F - NG)
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