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Natural disasters revision

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The pavements are very i _ _ so be careful not to slip
It’s so cold this morning, but the trees look beautiful because of the f_ _ _ _.
I hope we have some s_ _ _ in December because I want to go skiing.
It was a s_ _ _ _ _ night with rain and very strong winds. I didn’t sleep at all.
The clouds opened and the sun began to s_ _ _ _ .
Correct the mistake: Gemma has got much chocolate left than James, so have some of hers.
more / much more
Correct the mistake: This band is worser that the other bands in the competition
Correct the mistake: The tsunami did littler damage than the earthquake
less damage
Correct the mistake I love the new Bond film because it's much exciting than the last film.
much more exciting than
Correct the mistake: Today’s news isn’t so upsetting as yesterday’s terrible news.
as upsetting as
5 Apples and crisps are both nice. But apples are _______________________ (good) for your health.
much better / far better
4 A dog isn't _______________________ (dangerous) a tiger, but it can still hurt you.
not as dangerous as a tiger
3 Let's watch the comedy DVD and not the horror film. A horror movie is much _______________________ (frightening), and I want to sleep tonight.
much more frightening
2 The new building is 500 metres tall. That's _______________________ (high) as half a kilometre!
as high as
1 This week's show wasn't _______________________ (interesting) the last programme. I didn't watch it all because I was bored.
as interesting as